A Little John International School represents a tiny Campus of John´s, whose philosophy is to engage children in a learning environment, respecting individualities and educating with love and care.
Student Protagonism is also developed in little ones through elaborated activities applied in different kinds of learning spaces, indoors and outdoors, in contact with nature which help them to develop their social, emotional and academic skills. The physical structure is designed to foster collaboration and interaction among students, leading them to succeed and support their growth.
The little ones also count on Sports and Artistic Activities that are carried out in the Sports Room, Sports Court and Arts Atelier, promoting health, socialization, building self confidence & self management and leisure.
Little John Cafeteria is set up according to 1- 4 years old children and is supervised by a team of nutritionists, teachers and nannies who prepare the menu and help em to eat healthy.
Um campus construído para atender às necessidades acadêmicas e sociais dos mais pequenos.
St John’s International School, bearing in mind its philosophy of developing and engaging people in a learning environment, respecting individualities and educating with love and care, promotes student protagonism in its physical structure and layout, motivating autonomy and Independence and fostering Student Agency concept (choice, voice and ownership).
All school facilities were designed in the model of learning spaces, which help students to develop their social, emotional and academic skills, encouraging collaboration and interaction between them, in diferente environments, indoors and outdoors, in contact with nature.
Sports and Artistic Activities are carried out in the Sports Room, Sports Court, Theater and Arts Atelier, with the aim of promoting health, socialization, building moral and ethical values and leisure. St John’s Restaurant is set up as a buffet (self service) and is supervised by a team of nutritionists who prepare the menu and monitor the students’ meals on a daily basis, encouraging a healthy and balanced diet.
Um campus construído para atender às necessidades acadêmicas e sociais por anos.